The decision leverage – making powerful decisions

Let’s face it – life is but a game of decisions. You probably have already faced multiple decisions just this morning – whether to get up now or snooze your alarm, what to wear, what to have for breakfast, etc. Sometimes those decisions can be a lot harder and of much greater importance. For example,… Continue reading The decision leverage – making powerful decisions

The psychology of patience: why it pays to wait

Your mom has probably told you at some point in your childhood that patience is a virtue or something along those lines. Well, annoyingly, as always, moms are right, and this is a piece of advice you should carry for life. Whether you’re a 10-year-old completing a complex puzzle or a businessman building a portfolio… Continue reading The psychology of patience: why it pays to wait

Integrating the shadow – the Jungian notion

What if we told you that there’s a part of you that you’re not even aware of? A hidden side, if you will. According to Jungian psychology, the shadow is the part of ourselves that we repress or deny. It’s not necessarily bad, but it’s something we’re not comfortable acknowledging. It’s the stuff you’re ashamed of, the things… Continue reading Integrating the shadow – the Jungian notion

3 toxic behaviours and habits that ROB you of energy

Every person has certain behavior patterns and habits that are, in some way, toxic for the overall quality of life. One of the crucial things (in the context of maximising life quality), is to recognise those habits and work on them. Without further ado, allow us to share some of the more common toxic behaviors… Continue reading 3 toxic behaviours and habits that ROB you of energy

8 steps for a successful lifestyle transformation

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”   About 90% of all coronary bypass patients have not changed their lifestyles 2 years after their surgery. Why? Is it because of a lack of motivation? Lack of knowledge? Or is it that they don’t believe that they can change?   We… Continue reading 8 steps for a successful lifestyle transformation